
Have you been charged with Fraud?

Fraud under Canadian criminal law encompasses a broad range of criminal activities. Although there are different types, to put it simply, fraud is the action of deceiving someone in order to unlawfully gain something. A fraud charge can have very severe penalties and therefore should be taken very seriously. Fraud charges can be classified as…


How to apply for a pardon in Ontario?

In Ontario, Canada, pardon for a criminal offence is now called “record suspension.” You must complete all sentences and pay fines before applying for a record suspension. You can apply through the Parole Board of Canada, which is the federal agency responsible for granting record suspensions. The process involves filling out an application, providing documentation,…

Have You Allegedly Violated The Quarantine Act?

On February 14, 2021, Minimizing the Risk of Exposure to COVID-19 in Canada Order (Quarantine, Isolation, and Other Obligations) came into effect, establishing a number of requirements intended to add to the existing protections against the importation of new variants of COVID-19 into the country. These measures include: • pre-departure COVID-19 molecular testing • COVID-19…

remain silent

Remain Silent: Best Tip Of The Day

In Ontario, Canada, the right to remain silent is a principle protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Individuals have the right to not incriminate themselves and to choose not to answer questions or make statements. If you are facing criminal charges or are under investigation, it is recommended that you speak with…

White Collar Crimes

White-collar crime is a financially motivated, nonviolent offenses committed in the workplace. Common examples of white-collar crimes include fraud, embezzlement, insider trading, bribery, money laundering, and cybercrime. In Ontario, the Criminal Code and other laws provide a range of possible defences to white collar crimes. Some of the most commonly used defences include: Lack of…