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Unyielding Criminal Defense by Kisel Law – Your Voice in Court

When you’re facing criminal charges, your life, reputation, and future are on the line. The legal system can be daunting and unforgiving, but at Kisel Law, we stand as your unwavering advocate. Our experienced criminal defense attorneys are committed to ensuring you are treated fairly and have a powerful voice in court. With a proven…

Legal Expertise in Toronto for Comprehensive Criminal Defence

Navigating the legal landscape in Toronto demands a seasoned criminal defence lawyer with a deep understanding of the law and a commitment to achieving the best outcomes for clients. Enter Kisel Law, a distinguished firm founded by the highly regarded Nicole Kiselyov, a Toronto criminal defence lawyer known for her expertise and dedication. Specializing in…

legal aid

Championing Equality: The Strength of Legal Aid

Imagine a society where everyone has access to the legal aid they require, regardless of their financial situation or history. In this community, justice knows no economic barriers. Legal assistance represents this ideal, which has the potential to change cultures and advance equality. Here, we’ll delve into the complex realm of legal representation, covering everything…


Decoding Ontario’s Latest Police Detention Ruling

On July 27, 2023, the Court of Appeal for Ontario in R. v. Corner, 2023 ONCA 509, handed down a comprehensive guidance to determine when an accused has been detained. Although physical detention is quite straightforward, psychological detention, on the other hand, can be difficult to decipher when it started or if the accused was…

Criminal Defence Lawyer Toronto

Criminal Defence Lawyer Toronto: Safeguard Your Rights

Protecting your rights and making sure that the judicial process is fair is crucial while facing criminal accusations. A capable and seasoned criminal defence lawyer is critical for defending your rights and giving you the best care possible. In this article, we will examine how a criminal defence lawyer Toronto fulfills crucial duties, advocates for…


How to apply for a pardon in Ontario?

In Ontario, Canada, pardon for a criminal offence is now called “record suspension.” You must complete all sentences and pay fines before applying for a record suspension. You can apply through the Parole Board of Canada, which is the federal agency responsible for granting record suspensions. The process involves filling out an application, providing documentation,…